My first Kelli Ali fan site went online in April 2003, on MSN Groups.
At the time it was called 'Kelli Ali Links', and was simply intended to be a list of Kelli's CDs, and links to other fan sites, and interviews.
After a very short time i decided the standard layout of the MSN Group sites was too boring. I was also wanting to expand and build a proper fan site, so i signed up for a Yahoo Geocities account, and at the same time changed the name of the site to 'The Infinite Star' (from one of Kelli's songs). 
Geocities have gained a poor reputation lately, but i found the Pagebuilder feature easy to use, and i was quite happy with the overall layout. However, as time went on the site really showed it's limitations, especialy the awful bandwidth restrictions, and would sometimes go offline displaying the dreaded "This site has exceeded it's transfer limit" message.
So, in late September 2003 i thought it was time to buy my own domain, and pay for a proper web host.

A few general facts about the site...

Current size - 14.5 MB.
Current number of images - 220.
Current number of pages - 56.
The site was built using Mozilla Composer.
(This excelent WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) programme is part of the Mozilla web browser)

All photographs, and articles, are the copyright of their respective owners. If you are the owner of any copyrighted item on this site, please contact me and I will credit you. Or if you object to the item being used, I will of course remove it.

This is a totaly unofficial, non-commercial, & non-profit making, website.

Hope you enjoy your visit. If you have any comments, or questions, please don't hesitate to email me at,  corkybloke@aol.com