Music - Sneaker Pimps - Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4

Compilation albums which feature Sneaker Pimps. (Compilations are only listed on this page if they feature songs not found on any Sneaker Pimps album)

A Life Less Ordinary - CD album - Movie soundtrack compilation with various artists, including Sneaker Pimps.
Label - A&M.
Released - 1997.
No - 540 837-2
Sneaker Pimps, wrote, and performed, the track - Velvet Divorce.

Spawn, The Album - CD album - Movie soundtrack compilation with various artists, including Sneaker Pimps.
Year released - 1997.
Sneaker Pimps performed with Marilyn Manson, on the track - Long Hard Road Out of Hell.